Thursday, February 04, 2010


I don't know why I feel compelled to write this.

The purpose of this, I suppose, is to inform you of that which you are most undoubtedly already aware.

I have made the switch to 'New Blogger.'

Besides the bells and whistles that come along with New Blogger, you'll notice some obvious changes in the appearance of this space.

One thing I'm probably happiest about is the wider format here. On the main column on the old template, I often had to scale photos to 432 pixels wide. This wider format should be able to accomodate photos up to 700 pixels wide, if necessary.

Truth be told, I believe I could have widened the old template some time ago, but it would have been a major hassle with the changes I had already made on the old template.

Let me know if this doesn't appear properly on your screen and I'll look into it. Let me know if anything appears "glitchy."
Let me know if the commenting system works for you, or not.

All feedback is welcome.


Unknown said...

I like the new look!

Anonymous said...


Tyler Reynolds said...

The purpose of this comment, I suppose, is to inform you of that which you are most undoubtedly already aware:

1.) The new template is awesome.

2.) The new comment system works.

3.) The new template is awesome.