Wednesday, June 19, 2013

SPC - 'Blue' - #1

This is what I wrote to Self Portrait Challenge participants to introduce the new theme for the month of June: 'Blue.'

For the month of June, I intend to honor the founder of Self Portrait Challenge, Kathreen Ricketson.

Kathreen died tragically on May 16, 2013.

I'm revisiting the theme 'Blue' as it was a theme that she chose (February, 2008) and the news of her death has left me feeling a bit blue.

In her own words:

Blue is a cool colour - its the colour of the sky and of the water. But apart from its visual representation blue can also mean a number other things too - lonely and depressed [feeling blue]; sexual impropriety, or racy talk [blue jokes], blasphemous [blue language], aristocracy [blue blood].

The colour Blue in your chakra: Dark, clear Blue indicates a spiritual feeling. Light blue shows devotion to noble, spiritual ideals and the presence of the feminine energies. Muddy blue shows heavy karma, selfishness, possible non-belief in spirituality. Blue shows an active effort to communicate in a gentle way.

(Thanks to the Wayback Machine!!)

Having said all that -- please feel no obligation to adopt melancholy this month. Kathreen had taken her children out of school (homeschooling) and was travelling around Australia for a year, writing a book about their adventures in the process. Kathreen lived life fully and would encourage us all to do likewise, I believe.

For those who are interested in more news, there is more information and pertinent links at this thread.

Here is my first contribution:

Greetings from

1 comment:

Julia said...

Jeremy, I just want to let you know that I'm sorry for the loss of your friend and fellow artist, Kathreen.